2017年9月25日 19:00-21:00。
(一)虚拟和增强现实与帕金森疾病:挑战与机遇(Virtual and Augmented Reality in Parkinson's Disease: Challenges and Opportunities)
主讲人:Adriano O.Andrade,教授、博士/博士后
巴西生物医学工程学会现任主席、巴西乌贝兰迪亚联邦大学电子工程学院教授、 生物工程实验室负责人、生物医学本科专业负责人,英国雷丁大学博士/博士后、加拿大纽布伦斯威克大学博士后,主要从事生物医学信号处理、人机交互、 生物医学仪器、辅助技术、帕金森疾病等的研究。
讲座摘要:Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive neurological condition affecting millions of people worldwide. PD interfere on the quality of life of patients distinctly. Typical signs and symptoms of PD are: pain, speech and deglutition changes, bradykinesia, muscular rigidity, tremor, postural instability, cognitive and affective changes. Prof. Andrade has been conducting research with PD patients over 13 years with the aim of making objective examination of the clinical signs of PD, and by developing and evaluating distinct forms of therapies that can be applied to the rehabilitation of individuals. In this context, virtual and augmented reality (VR and AR) have been receiving attention of the scientific community in distinct application scenarios. In this talk Prof. Andrade will provide an overview of some results of his research on Parkinson’s disease, together with a discussion on the challenges and opportunities for the use of VR and AR. It is expected that at the end of the talk the audience has a broad understanding of the major health problems faced by patients with PD and how technology can be employed in their benefit.
(二)巴西生物医学工程学会及其在该领域传播和促进中的角色(Brazilian Society of Biomedical Engineering and its role in the dissemination and progress of the area in Brazil)
主讲人:Sérgio S. Muhlen 教授、博士
讲座摘要:The Brazilian Society of Biomedical Engineering (SBEB) is one of the largest societies in Latin America that congregates students, researchers and professionals who work in the field of Biomedical Engineering. SBEB was founded in 1975 and since then has been organizing several activities in for the dissemination and progress of Biomedical Engineering in Brazil. In this talk, Prof. Muhlen will provide the audience with information on the organization of SBEB and its contributions to the consolidation of Biomedical Engineering in Brazil. He will also discuss on how the society can help Brazilian and Chinese researchers get connected for starting joint research collaborations.